Kyle Powers


My name is Kyle Powers, I'm an artist, writer, and web-designer. I got my Bachelor of Arts from the now defunct Hussian School of Art in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. I've been writing since I was a senior in highschool, but only really started taking it seriously after encouragement from a creative writing professor in my junior year of college. Since then I've written and rewritten multiple chapters of my novel, currently titled Auxiliary Mission Parameters, or AMP for short, and finished several world building short stories. I'm currently working on several more shorts and novelas in my Sci-Fi universe, working on a web-comic, and occasionally working on and recording a video script. I hope you can find some enjoyment in my works.

-Get out there and make something!


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By Kyle Powers

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By Kyle Powers

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War Mind

By Kyle Powers

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Task Kill "" Start "ARGUS"

By Kyle Powers

Currently in the works.

Auxilary Mission Paramateres (AMP)

By Kyle Powers


By Kyle Powers